
Awards & Recognitions

Latest Awards & Recognitions

Sustainability & CSR Malaysia Awards

CSR Malaysia is a KDN-approved social project and publication that aims to share the unwavering commitment of corporations in Malaysia towards the community at large and their inherent roles as change agents in the socio-economic transformation of the country. Its aspirations for Malaysia soar higher than just generating profits and developing world-class buildings and infrastructures. CSR Malaysia endeavours to promote sustainable economies by featuring Sustainability & CSR initiatives of corporations in Malaysia and serving the needy.

CSR Malaysia acts as a bridge between corporate companies and the needy by organizing various events that benefit the poor. CSR Malaysia also organizes and holds the annual Sustainability & CSR Malaysia Awards mostly support of the Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development Malaysia where outstanding public listed companies are honoured.

Pushing Boundaries, Achieving Excellence

Green Energy Asia

Sustainability & CSR Malaysia Awards

Bizz Hybrid Awards 2023

Top 10 Awards